DK'Bus Marine (CUDGL)


Mobility is an issue with social, economic and environmental implications for our region and its inhabitants. Aware of the importance of these issues, the CUD (Dunkirk urban authority) is involved in coordination of the public transport network, implementation of a policy to promote the use of bicycles, development of green modes of transport (walking, road-sharing systems, parking, etc.), and accessibility throughout the region.


Has accessible services with Pass Pass ticketing


Mode(s) of transport offered:

Bus Self-service bicycle
Fares and sales outlets Ticket purchase Timetables

Areas served:

Dunkirk area

Contact information:

DK'BUS area
5 place de la Gare

Hello DK'Bus: 03 28 59 00 78

Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 18:00.
Open the first and last Saturday of the month from 9:00 to 12:00.